First Open-Ended Fund Company in Asia
The Pacific Hawk Global Fund OFC (“Fund”) is an open-ended fund company registered with the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) can only be offered to “Professional Investors” as defined under Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571). The Fund is not for the retail public. If you are not a Professional Investor, please stop browsing this website as information contained herein is not intended for you.  

By browsing and using this website, you are agreeing to comply with and to be bound by the terms and conditions, and disclaimers set forth herein, and are declaring you are a Professional Investor.  

All information, data and opinion contained in this website (“Content”) are provided for general information purposes only. You understand and agree that none of the Content constitutes or forms part of any offer, invitation or recommendation to make any investment related decision.  Any offering in the Fund may only be made by means of delivery of the relevant private placing memorandum (“PPM”) and subscription agreement (together, the “Offering Documents”), and applications for the Fund will only be considered on the terms of the current Offering Documents. Potential subscribers to the Fund (“Potential Subscribers”) should be aware that no share in the Fund will be offered or sold (a) in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation, or sale is unlawful or to any person to whom it would be unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation, or (b) to any subscriber who does not meet the eligibility criteria described in the Offering Documents.  

All investments involve risks, including substantial loss of principal. Investment in the Fund involves a high degree of risk. The Fund or the underlying securities in the Fund may not be suitable to you. Do not invest unless you fully understand and are willing to assume the risks associated with such. The PPM contains certain risk factors involved but Potential Subscribers should be aware that they do not purport to be a complete explanation of the risk involved in an investment in the Fund. The Offering Documents of the Funds should be carefully reviewed prior to any determination to invest in the Funds. Past, pro forma or simulated performance is not indicative of future performance. There is no assurance that the Fund’s investment objectives will be achieved. Investment results may vary substantially over time and the Fund is not intended to be a complete investment program for any subscribers.

The copyright to this website and the Content are owned by the Fund. The Content should not be used, reproduced or distributed in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Fund. The Content is subject to change without notice. The Content is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which would subject the Fund, Pacific Hawk Asset Management Limited (“Investment Manager” of the Fund), or their affiliates to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country. In the event the Content is inconsistent or contrary to the descriptions in or terms of the Offering Documents, the Offering Documents shall prevail.  

The Fund does not warrant the Content or services provided herein or your use of this website generally, either expressly or impliedly, for any particular purpose, and expressly disclaims any implied warranties, including but not limited to, warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Fund cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy, validity, timeliness or completeness of the Content made available to you for any particular purpose. Neither the Fund, the Investment Manager nor any of their affiliates, directors, officers or employees will be liable or have any responsibility of any kind for any loss or damage that you incur as a result of the act or omission of any other party involved in making this website, the Content or the products or services mentioned on this website available to you, or from any other cause relating to your access to, inability to access, or use of the website or any part of it. In no event will the Fund or any such parties be liable to you, whether in contract or tort, for any direct, special, indirect, consequential or incidental damages or any other damages of any kind even if the Fund or any other such party has been advised of the possibility thereof. This limitation on liability includes but not limited to the transmission of any viruses which may infect a user's equipment, failure of mechanical or electronic equipment or communication lines, telephone or other interconnect problems, unauthorized access, theft, operator errors, strikes or any force majeure.
By clicking “I ACCEPT & DECLARE”, you understand and accept the above terms and conditions, and declare that you are a Professional Investor as defined pursuant to Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571).